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Anita Posch

“We overestimate what we can do in the short run and underestimate what we can achieve in the long run.”


I'm a Nomad, Zimbabwe, Portugal, Austria

Professional title:

Strategic Bitcoin Adviser and Author, Founder of NPO "Bitcoin for Fairness"

What do you do?

I'm a change agent debunking myths around Bitcoin by sharing knowledge and practical use-cases that empower individuals all over the world.


I've grown up as outsider, the misfit. As a woman I have constantly been fighting to get heard. As a lesbian I was discriminated by law until I was in my thirties. As an Austrian I have been living with the trauma of our country's involvement in the horrible crimes against Jews, people with disabilities, queer people and other minority groups. I remember vividly my grandparents stories about how the Nazi's came into power in Austria and how fast that went. I feel with people who live in authoritarian situations, I feel with the outlaws, I feel with the billions of women, who are deemed to be less worth than men. My mission is to empower those who's rights are being restricted, whose lives are endangered by ruthless rulers and mega corporations. Bitcoin is a fascinating technology that enables financial inclusion for anyone. It's an open, censorship resistant and permissionless technology from and for the people. This may sound hyperbolic, but Bitcoin is climate action and a tool to enforce human rights.

What should we read?

"The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield