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April Bell

“Spaciousness is a generous gift, and it's a space and experience I strive to create with and for others. I don't need to know the answer, or the way, or what comes next. For myself, for my work, or for anyone. I am here to help, to open doors, to listen. From this space, possibilities are unlimited, miracles abound, love and connection arises. We can change our world with this simple generosity. The simple things are often not easy.”


Lafayette, California, United States of America

Professional title:

Video Producer of Life Stories | Curator of Wisdom

What do you do?

Everything I do, I believe in expanding love and connection in people’s lives, their relationships, and their communities. I do this by helping people tell and share their personal stories.


Being a contribution is the seat of human happiness. Connection happens through sharing our stories. When you share your story with me, you contribute to my life. We both win.

What should we read?

The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden